
Talks and Presentations


One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code.

— Ken Thompson


src commits
There are a few more (older) patches that were not committed by me directly, so this URL doesn’t catch all of them.
BSD-related articles in general, not just FreeBSD.
Ports I maintain.
From talks and presentations.
Wiki profile
Not regularly updated.
Audio Stack Improvements
Ongoing Foundation-sponsored project to improve FreeBSD’s audio stack.
Status reports: 2024Q1, 2024Q2, 2024Q3
See also: Talks and Presentations
DTrace: Instruction-level dynamic tracing
Developed a new DTrace provider called “kinst” which enables tracing of arbitrary instructions and inline functions in the kernel. Available since FreeBSD 14.0.
Status reports: Foundation, 2022Q3, 2023Q1
See also: Talks and Presentations
Sound mixer improvements
An OSS mixer library implementation, a complete rewrite of mixer(8) and sound(4) update. The project was partially developed during Google Summer of Code 2021 and was committed to FreeBSD 14.0.

Own projects

My toy OS. Currently does nothing other than boot.
Temperature and humidity measurement using the Microchip PIC16F877A microcontroller and the BME280 sensor.
Minimal and daemonless notification program for X.
Yes, another CHIP-8 emulator.
Curses 2D graph generator. Plots single variable functions and their derivatives.

More on Sourcehut, GitHub and my Git server.


Just like this one, all websites listed have been created with Hugo:

Atlas Audio & Visual Studios
Studio I use to rehearse in when I’m in Greece.
A friend’s record label and distro.

Why have your own website?


Part-time/seasonal at Fire Station 6 in Athens, Greece.



I mainly play guitar, bass and a few other stringed instruments.

Below is a list of (published) projects I’ve worked on:

My dead band. It started as a solo project in 2016 when I bought my first sound card and proper studio headphones, so that I could record music that didn’t sound like it was recorded with a Fisher-Price cassette recorder. The songs were all written and recorded before the band was formed, so we didn’t get the chance to write new songs as a band, except for one or two drafts. Compared to my other musical projects, this one has been quite “successful”, but nowadays I’m not really interested in working on it.
A Slovak friend of mine’s collective project I took part in. Here is a another project of his.
Socrates Slit His Throat
A neighbor’s project I wrote parts and produced songs for. He now has a new post-rock project going on.



World History Daily
A history page I created a few years ago.

Why study history? What’s the point? It’s boring!