


A trip through the Graphics Pipeline 2011: Index
AWK Cheatsheet
Bit Twiddling Hacks Code.
Brendan Gregg
Brian Kernighan UNIX and K&R author.
Brian Raiter’s Resources Cryptography, Reverse Engineering.
Buffer Overflows in C Code examples.
Capabilities for Coders
Codemadness Suckless software author.
Dylan Beattie: Plain Text There are many versions of this talk, not sure which one is the best.
Fabien Sanglard Computer graphics.
FreeBSD Architecture Handbook
Jonathan Blow: How 3D video games do graphics
Jonathan Blow: Preventing the Collapse of Civilization A must-watch for every programmer.
Julius Orion Smith III {Index, Publications} Audio signal processing.
M. Douglas McIlroy UNIX author.
OSDev Operating systems development wiki.
OpenBSD Amsterdam OpenBSD hosting.
Programming in the 21st Century
Russ Cox Go and Plan 9 engineer.
SDF Public Access UNIX System
Spyware Watchdog Catalogue of programs known to be spyware.
Squoze Mostly old UNIX archives.
The Cheapskate’s Guide to Computers and the Internet
The FreeBSD Project
The OpenBSD Project
The Unix Heritage Society Great archive of UNIX history and code.
The little book about OS development
Troff Resources
Wojciech Muła Optimizations, SIMD, algorithms.
cat -v “Random contrarian insurgent organization”.
javidx9 Software that sucks less.

Plan 9

9P Specification
9front Wiki I’ve made some contributions there as well.
9front “9front is an operating system for ladies and gentlemen.”
C Programming in Plan 9
In praise of Plan 9
International Plan 9 Workshop
OS Abstractions Using Plan 9 from Bell Labs
Plan 9 - The Documents
Plan 9 Desktop Guide
Plan 9 Foundation
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
Plan 9 from User Space Plan 9 utilities ported to UNIX-like operating systems.
SDF PeerTube
Stanley Lieber
The Organization of Networks in Plan 9

x86 Assembly

FreeBSD x86 Programming
Guide to x86 Assembly - Yale University
x86 Assembly - Shichao’s Notes
x86 Assembly - Wikibooks
x86 Instructions
x86 Interrupt Jump Table
x86 and amd64 Instruction Reference


Ben Eater Computers from scratch.
Circuit Collection
From transistors to gates!
Grant Searle Electronics guru.
Science Hobbyist Terrible 90s design but interesting pages.


Aurora Fire Rescue Training Branch
CFBT-GR A Greek CFBT information hub maintained by one of my colleagues from the Fire Service.
Fire Science: Back to Basics Firefighting trainings in the South Tyrol region.
Lars Axelsson - Things I wish I knew when I went to my first fire
Man Alive: The Bronx Is Burning FDNY 1972
Matt Davis Fire science.
R1 SmokeEater Old Fire Department clips from the US.
RRFR Training
StocktonFireHistory Originals Excellent and educational in-field videos from Stockton FD.


Finland National Parks
Mapa Turystyczna Map with mountain trails in Poland.
Syros, Greece marked trails
Syros, Greece unmarked trails


Academy for Ancient Texts
Folk Texts
Fotopolska Historical photo archive of Poland.
Medieval England Murder Map
Revolutions Podcast {Index}
Secular Byzantine Music
The Great War Week-by-week coverage of World War I.
The History of Byzantium {Index}
The History of Rome {Index}
Voices of the Past Historical accounts narrated.
World War Two Week-by-week coverage of World War II.
drakegoodman Rare and high quality photos from Germany in World War I.


Greek Linguistic PDFs
Jackson Crawford Old Norse specialist.
Language PDFs
Lingua Graeca Per Se Illustrata Inspired by Hans Ørberg’s “Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata”, which you should definitely read if you’re interested in learning Latin.
The Latin Library
The pronuncation of Ancient Greek


Eilivev Norwegian friend.
Goran Mekić FreeBSD hacker from Serbia
Recetat e Lisës Albanian cuisine. I cannot read Albanian.
Smyru Friend and FreeBSD hacker.
Stefanos Strauss Childhood friend.


0 A.D. Open-source RTS game.
Alexander Leidinger FreeBSD guy.
Based Cooking Git-driven recipe website.
Bullshit Jobs
Central and Eastern European Online Library
Computer Stupidities
Eric S. Raymond Old-school Linux hacker.
Fourmilab Founder of Autodesk Inc.
Jazz Guitar Online Jazz guitar lessons.
Jean Piaget’s Theory and Stages of Cognitive Development
Jitsi Video-conferencing.
John DuBois Electronics, pyrotechnics.
LindyPress On-demand reprinting of out-of-print classical and medieval books.
Lotus Eaters
Luke Smith Known for his YouTube channel.
Matt Fuller Fun website.
Mental Outlaw Mainly tech and online security.
Not Related! Podcast
Parimal Satyal
Pornography is evil
Project Gutenberg Library of free eBooks.
Ray Thomas Real boomer website.
Roger Scruton: Architecture and Aesthetic Education
Simplifier Minimal handmade technology.
The Childhood That Governments Take from Us On the state of modern schooling.
Things People Said
Usenet Archives
Ventusky Interactive weather maps.
WTF Happened in 1971?
Why Email is the Best Discussion Platform
Why IRC is Still Good in $CURRENT_YEAR
YT RSS Feeds Generate RSS feeds for YouTube channels.
e-DolnyŚląsk Lower Silesia historial-tourist portal. Catalogue of all reptilian and amphibian species found in Greece. Plain text weather.

Find more websites

I do not necessarily recommend all the websites you will find through the following links.

Cheapskate’s Guide: Resources
Hyperlinked Text
Matt’s Link-O-Rama
Wiby Search engine for the Classic Web.